

留学生同学们(Dear international students):

2024年寒假即将开始,根据学校寒假工作相关通知,结合来华留学生实际情况,现将寒假安排和注意事项通知如下(The winter vacation in 2024 is about to begin. According to the relevant notices of the school and in accordance with the actual situation of international students, the winter vacation arrangements and precautions are hereby notified as follows):


Student vacation time:


Language students: 





Holiday period: January 11, 2024—February 26, 2024

Make-up exam dates: February 26, 2024;February 27, 2024

Textbook purchase : February 29, 2024;March 1, 2024

Official class time: March 4th, 2024


Major students:





Holiday period: January 13, 2024—February 23, 2024

Registration time: February 23, 2024—February 25, 2024

Make-up exam dates: February 24th, 2024;February 25th, 2024

Official class time: February 26, 2024


Vacation precautions:


Please all international students fill out the information on the winter vacation destination form carefully. If there are any plans to go abroad or other travel, please report to the college in advance. Timely check the class group information, all students staying on campus are requested to attend the relevant class meetings during winter vacation on time.The winter vacation class meeting will be held at 3:30 pm on January 10th, and the location of the class meeting will be notified separately.



International students staying on campus should pay attention to electrical safety in their rooms and avoid smoking in their dormitories as much as possible. Before temporarily going out of campus during the holiday, please check dormitory room, and well close the doors and windows, pull up the curtains, and cut off water and electricity. When going out, pay attention to safety, and return to the dormitory before 22:30 on the same day. It is prohibited to stay overnight out of school or allow off campus personnel to stay in dormitory overnight. Do not violate the laws and regulations related to accommodation registration.



International students who live off campus should take good care of themselves. If they change their accommodation address, please go to the local police station to change the accommodation registration form at the first time.



Illegal employment or participation in any commercial or non-commercial employment activities are prohibited.



Please check the fire hazards in the room frequently, use electrical appliances correctly, and pay attention to the safety of water and electricity. Please close the doors and windows before going out, pay attention to personal, property and traffic safety, and enhance security awareness such as anti-theft and fraud prevention. Do not stay near dangerous waters or enter frozen rivers, reservoirs and other areas.


Please arrange your vacation schedule reasonably, cultivate good study and living habits, persist in exercising, improve immunity, and welcome the hopeful new semester and life with a full state.



Students who stay on campus for winter vacation accommodation are requested to listen carefully during the safety class meeting during the winter vacation. After the meeting, relevant documents will be studied repeatedly, and various precautions during the winter vacation will be covered. Please study carefully.



Finally, we remind everyone to pay attention to the notices issued by the school , keep in touch with teachers and students, and avoid missing the teaching arrangements at the beginning of the new semester.


Wish you all have a fulfilling and enjoyable vacation, not forgetting to enrich and improve yourself while relaxing your mind and body. Wishing everyone a happy holiday and good luck in the Chinese New Year!