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CoursesDescriptionof Elementary level 2forforeign students


ComprehensiveChinese of elementarylevel 2


Thiscourse is for international students of grade two (having masteredabout 1000 vocabulary) is a compulsory course. Through the study ofthis course, foreign students can further consolidate the basicpronunciation of Putonghua and Chinese Pinyin, master thecharacteristics of Chinese characters and vocabulary in the teachingmaterials, understand and grasp the grammatical points and basicgrammatical structure involved in the teaching materials, and improvetheir comprehensive application ability of Chinese language. Thiscourse has 8 credits, There are 144 class hours in a semester.


OralChinese of elementarylevel 2


Thiscourse is for international students of grade two (has mastered about1000 vocabulary) is a compulsory course. The teaching purpose of thiscourse is to focus on daily dialogue and through targeted oraltraining, so that foreign students can continuously improve theiractual communication level in the dynamic process. Through onesemester of oral training, they can carry out basic daily listening,speaking and communication. This course has 4 credits and 72 classhours a semester.


ChineseListeningofelementarylevel 2


Thiscourse is for international students of grade two (has mastered about1000 vocabulary) is a compulsory course. The teaching purpose of thecourse is to help students enhance their understanding ability at thediscourse level, improve their analysis, induction, judgment andreasoning ability of listening materials, and comprehensivelycultivate students' listening ability on the basis of following themodern Chinese teaching concept and making full use of the school'sadvanced phonetic equipment To cultivate students' ability tounderstand and absorb specific information as a whole, so thatstudents can correctly understand the main ideas of the text and theauthor's main thoughts and feelings. This course has 2 credits and 36class hours in a semester.


InterestingChinese charactersreadingand writing ofelementarylevel 2


Readingand writing of interesting Chinese characters at level 2 ofelementary

Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students of grade two (whohave mastered about 1000 vocabulary). The teaching purpose of thiscourse is to skillfully retell the objects and scenes they see everyday, and cultivate students to use their own vocabulary for extendednarration on the basis of correct description. This course has 4credits and 72 class hours a semester.




Expandstudents' vocabulary and lay a good foundation for grammar throughclassroom learning and practice. The vocabulary can reach 2000-2500and master about 180 grammar items. Able to adapt to daily life andlearning Chinese communication skills. Be able to understand theintention of the communication object, and be able to choose thecorresponding vocabulary and grammatical forms to express theirmeaning more accurately. Chinese level reaches hsk3.