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CoursesDescriptionof elementary level 1forforeign students


ComprehensiveChineseofelementarylevel 1


Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students. It is for foreignstudents from zero starting point. Through the study of this course,foreign students can master the basic Pinyin of Putonghua, thecharacteristics of Chinese characters and the simplest and mostcommonly used vocabulary, understand and grasp the grammar pointsinvolved in the teaching materials, and improve their comprehensiveapplication ability of Chinese language. This course has 6 creditsand 144 class hours in a semester.


OralChinese of elementarylevel 1


Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students from zero startingpoint, focusing on cultivating students' oral communication ability.Through the study of this course, students can master the most basicdaily communication conversation and meet their purpose of simplecommunication. This course has 4 credits and 72 class hours in asemester.


ChineseListeningofelementarylevel 1


Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students from zero startingpoint. Through conscious teaching means, it helps students understandthe given materials, cultivate and improve students' listeningability, so as to achieve the purpose of communication. This stageincludes daily learning, life and simple social activities. With thein-depth study of communication tasks, it can meet the listening andspeaking needs of learners in the introductory stage. This course has2 credits and 36 class hours in a semester.


InterestingChinese charactersreadingand writing of elementarylevel 1


Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students from zero startingpoint. The course emphasizes learner centered, encourages learners todirectly contact and experience the learned content, allows studentsto write and use strokes, Chinese characters and words and sentences,generate and acquire Chinese characters through experience, and gainexperience in tasks and exercises. This course has 4 credits and 72class hours in a semester.




Elementarylevel 1 requires students to master the rules of Chinese phonologyand spelling, have a good phonetic appearance, preliminarily masterthe rules of Chinese character writing, have a vocabulary of about1000, master about 100 grammar items, and be able to carry out simpledaily communication.