


Coursesdescription of advanced class for international students


ComprehensiveChineseofAdvanced level 1


Thiscourse is for foreign students with advanced Chinese level (I havemastered Chinese grammar at the beginning and intermediate levels andlearned 3500-4000 common words). The course aims to comprehensivelyimprove the comprehensive Chinese communication ability of learnersat the advanced stage in listening, speaking, reading and writing, sothat students can master the corresponding number of words, languagepoints, functional sentences and relevant cultural knowledge at themiddle stage, and understand the language materials related to sociallife , capable of general narration, explanation and argumentativeexpression; Further enrich Chinese knowledge and comprehensivelyimprove the comprehensive language ability of Chinese listening,speaking, reading and writing and appropriate language communicationability; Further master relevant learning strategies, communicationstrategies and resource strategies, understand basic Chinese culturalknowledge, and have basic cross-cultural awareness and internationalvision. This course has 6 credits and 108 class hours in a semester.


OralChinese of advanced level 1


Thiscourse is a compulsory course for foreign students with advancedChinese level. The teaching purpose of this course is through thetraining of grammatical structure sentences, word analysis andapplication Q & a dialogue in specific context and generaltopics in social life (study, work, family life, social hot spots,etc.) to comprehensively improve foreign students' oral expressionability, especially the comprehensive oral expression ability basedon daily dialogue and discourse, and focus on improving students'language communication ability in more formal occasions. This coursehas 4 credits and 72 class hours a semester.


Chinesereading and writingofadvancedlevel 1


Thiscourse is for foreign students with advanced Chinese level (I havemastered junior and intermediate Chinese grammar and learned3500-4000 common words) is a compulsory course. The course combinesreading and writing. On the one hand, through the study andrecognition of model texts, I can preliminarily grasp the commonChinese text structure characteristics and Chinese expression habits,and understand Chinese people's thinking habits and languageexpression habits; on the other hand, through the writing trainingafter the study of model texts Practice, carry out the writingpractice of appropriate sentences, paragraphs and chapters, be ableto explain their own views and demonstrate, and effectively improvestudents' written expression ability. This course has 4 credits and72 class hours in a semester.


ChineseListeningofadvancedlevel 1


Thiscourse is for foreign students with advanced Chinese level (I havemastered junior and intermediate Chinese grammar and learned3500-4000 common words) is a compulsory course. The purpose of thecourse is to improve learners' ability to understand advancedChinese. Specifically, after learning this course, foreign studentsshould improve their ability to understand more complex communicativeand working terms in a variety of social occasions or workingenvironments, and be able to understand topics with familiar topicsand slightly complex contents Speech, discussion or speech;Understand the basic facts, grasp the key points and grasp thedetails, understand the speaker's main intention, views andarguments, improve the ability to understand the meaning of commonidioms and proverbs in the context, understand the meaning containedin the speaker's words, gradually have the ability to understandfamiliar ordinary calls on slightly accented topics, and be able tounderstand slow news interview programs. This course has 2 creditsand 36 class hours in a semester.


Chinesefilm and Television Appreciation


Thiscourse is for foreign students with advanced Chinese level (I havemastered Chinese grammar at the beginning and intermediate levels andlearned 3500-4000 common words) is a compulsory course. The coursefocuses on cultivating students' listening and speaking ability andoral and written comment ability. Through the study of typical filmand television works close to real life, I can master the vocabulary,grammar and special expressions in the works, and further understandChina's history through film and television works Culture and thereal situation of contemporary society, so as to promote students tobetter understand all kinds of social phenomena seen in life andbetter communicate with the Chinese people. This course has 2 creditsand 36 class hours in a semester.




Bylearning articles on various themes, genres, styles and styles thatreflect the social life and national cultural characteristics ofcontemporary China, students' listening, speaking, reading andwriting abilities will be comprehensively improved. Expand and deepenthe amount of knowledge and information in all aspects, especiallythe vocabulary, so that they can accurately use the important wordsand language points they have learned. Students' vocabulary canbasically reach about 8000. Be able to read Chinese newspapers andmagazines, and make a transition from paragraph to discourse inlanguage expression. Students can pass hsk5 or 6.