1.报名方式 Ways of Application:
①网上报名E-mail Application
邮箱E-mail Address: liuxueyuexiu@sina.com
②现场报名On-site Application
报名地址: 浙江省绍兴市群贤中路2801号浙江越秀外国语学院镜湖校区师生服务中心外事窗口
Address: NO.2801 Qunxianzhong Road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (Jinghu Campus) Teachers and Students Center, Foreign Affairs Department
2. 提交申请材料 Submit Application Materials
★学历生Degree Students
①高中毕业证书复印件High School Diploma (copy)
高中毕业证书认证材料原件Certification for high school diploma
②HSK证书复印件HSK Certificate (copy)
③入学申请表原件 Application Form for Enrolling (original copy)
④护照复印件Passport (copy)
★非学历生Non-degree Students
自费生 Self-supporting Students | 1) 护照复印件 Passport (copy) 2) 入学申请表原件Application Form for Enrolling (original copy) |
转学学生 Transfer Students | 1) 护照复印件 Passport (copy) 2) 入学申请表原件Application Form for Enrolling (original copy) 3) 转学证明Transfer Certificate 4) 成绩单Transcript 5) 推荐信Recommendation Letter |
★若是网上报名,则以上材料以扫描件形式发送即可。If you choose the way of E-mail application, all the application materials should be scanned copies.
3. 材料审核Verification——3-5个工作日 3-5 working days
不论材料审核通过与否,将电话通知或邮件告之。Whether the materials are approved or not, you will be informed by telephone call or by E-mail.
4. 缴费 Pay the fees
1.材料审核通过者,请预先缴纳一半学费。The students who have passed the verification are required to pay half part of the tuition fee in advance.
2.持有X1签证者需提前缴纳1个学期的学费。Students holding X1 visa are required to pay the fees of one semester in advance.
3.持有X2签证者需提前缴纳半个学期的学费。Students holding X2 visa are required to pay the fees of half semester in advance.
5. 缴费成功以后,12个工作日以内请现场领取或由我校寄发浙江越秀外国语学院录取通知书、外国留学生来华签证申请表(JW202表)。After payment, you will receive Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages Admission Notice, Visa application form for International students posted by our university within 12 working days. Or you are welcomed to come to our university to get these materials by yourself.
6.报名时间 Application Period:
Degree students enroll in September every year. Please apply before June 15, or applicants can’t register on time.
Non-degree students enroll in March and September every year. Applicants can apply all the year round during working days (except Summer holiday and Winter holiday).
7.联系我们Contact Information
College of International Education, Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages
Address:NO.2801 Qunxianzhong Road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang,China
Applicants must be citizens of a foreign country between 18 and 60 years of age, in good mental and physical health.
If necessary, university will require applicants to submit extra materials.