




No Smoking in the dormitory


No cooking in the dormitory, but in the kitchen.


No high-power appliances in the dormitory.


Do not connect power sources randomly and do not overload electricity usage.



In case of fire, the electricity in the dormitory will be cut off. Please follow the Exit, leave the dormitory as soon as possible, but no rush!

2. 用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,每栋宿舍楼有四个大门,找最近的宿舍大门出去,门边有红色锤子,可用来砸碎玻璃。

Use wet cloth or towel to cover your mouth and nose. There are four gates on the first floor, and try to find the closest one. There is a red hammer beside each gate, you can use it to break the glass if necessary.


If a small area catches fire, take reasonable measures quickly to extinguish the fire. There are fire extinguishers on each floor of the dormitory, please use them properly.


1. 室内无人时,请将水电门窗关闭,带好房间钥匙。

2. 文明过春节,遵循乡风民俗,不酗酒,不闹事,远离黄赌毒。

3. 保管好个人财务,谨防诈骗。  

4. 遵守交通规则,骑电瓶车戴安全头盔,不违规带人,注意安全。

5. 天气寒冷,请同学们注意保暖。

1. Please turn off the faucet and electricity, close doors and windows, and remember to bring the room key when there is no one indoors.

2. Be a civilized student, without fighting, excessive drinking, pornography, gambling, drug abuse and trafficking. Please respect and follow local customs.

3. Take care of your cash and personal belongings. Be vigilant and transfer money with caution. 

4. Please follow the traffic rules and pay attention to safety when going out. Remember to wear safety helmets and do not carry people.

5. The weather is cold these days. Please keep yourself warm.


If you have any emergency,please call the security department. 

Tel: 89176099


王老师(Ms. Wang)15967507386

陈老师(Ms. Chen)15158210718 

余老师(Ms. Yu)18248612872