






  The Mid-Autumn National Day holiday is from September 29th to October 6th. Students staying in the school during the holiday should pay attention to our entrance guard time at 10:00 pm. Please return to the apartment before 10: 00 pm. Please keep quiet at night. No off-campus personnel are allowed to stay in the dormitory. If found, the school will deal with it seriously. 

  Girls who live in four rooms in Building 6 should be careful when getting on and off the bed, especially at night, which requires special attention. 

  When cooking in the kitchen, students should also pay attention to safety and hygiene. Please turn off all the appliances in the kitchen and tidy up your own things after you leave.Students who cook in the kitchen should also be careful not to take other people's things at will. If some students can't find what they put in the kitchen, they can leave a message in the apartment complex for everyone to help find it.

 If there are other problems during the holiday, such as damaged things in the dormitory, or lost keys, you can report them in the dormitory group in advance and then find the aunt downstairs to solve them. 

Finally, I hope everyone can have a safe and happy holiday!


During the holiday, please pay attention to the following matters:


Traffic safety: please wear a helmet when riding a battery car. It is forbidden to take people by bike, obey traffic rules, drive in non-motor vehicle lanes and pay attention to safety.


Travel safety: When traveling, please know the destination in advance, abide by local laws and regulations, and choose safe and reliable means of transportation to ensure your own safety.


Personal property safety: take care of personal property, don't put valuables in public, and pay attention to protect your documents and passports.


Network security: everyone should pay attention to screening when receiving network information, don't blindly believe network information, don't click at will in the face of fraudulent phone calls, fraudulent short messages and unknown network links, and pay attention to protecting their own safety.


Emergency response: In case of emergency, please keep calm and follow the relevant instructions, and get in touch with the school teachers and relevant local departments in time.


Finally, I hope everyone can have a safe and happy holiday!